a collection of projects i've worked on.

the website that you are currently on right now. built with astro, svelte, tailwindcss, auth.js, cloudflare d1, cloudflare kv, and deployed to cloudflare pages.

the simplest video compressor on the internet. built with react, ffmpeg, and webassembly. installable as a pwa on any device and works offline.

an endless runner game. you play as a cat named lunar, and you have to collect as many cupcakes as possible while avoiding the obstacles. built with c# and unity.

a discord bot that allows you to download video from the internet and send it to the channel. built with, and hosted on cloudflare pages.

a music player that plays floptok musics. built with tauri, react, and pocketbase. made for one of the flop companies.

a webrtc screen recorder on your browser. built with javascript and installable as pwa. hosted on github pages.

yet another discord music bot written in lua using discordia. it's no longer maintained and archived on github.

a discord bot that helps me and my friends to get things done quickly. not available for public use, but can see him if you see me around.